A Review of Ecosystem Carbon Sink
摘要: 针对森林、草原、湿地、荒漠灌丛、农田等五种生态系统,对近期国内外生态系统碳汇研究进行归纳辨析。研究结果表明:①当前生态系统碳汇研究以气候变化为背景,主要关注气候变化对生态系统碳汇的影响,研究主要内容包括碳汇核算、改进管理、提升碳汇水平并促进碳汇流通等;②生态系统碳汇包括地上植被层、地下根系和土壤碳汇三部分,其中森林碳汇主要存在于地上植被,草原碳汇主要存在于土壤和根系,湿地和荒漠灌丛碳汇主要存在于土壤,土壤碳汇主要依赖于农作物的光合作用;③生态系统碳汇的影响因素包括自然因素、人为因素和不可控因素,其中自然因素包括地形、土壤、光照、温度、降水等,人为因素包括政策、管制、决策、管理方式等,不可控因素包括自然灾害、病虫害等;④生态系统碳汇核算可分为实测法和模型模拟法两类,其中实测法更贴合实际,适用于小区域的碳汇核算,但由于采样区域、采样时间、样本量、处理方法等不同会形成核算结果差异;模型模拟法更加便捷,适用于大规模的碳汇核算,但由于不同模型精度问题导致结果差异较大。未来研究应进一步探索如何提升碳汇核算精度,建立适用性更广泛、更便捷的核算系统,促进碳汇流通。未来政策应合理加强生态保护,建立完善奖惩机制,提升生态系统碳汇水平。Abstract: This study analyzes recent domestic and international research on ecosystem carbon sinks, focusing on five types of ecosystems: forests, grasslands, wetlands, desert shrubs, and farmland. The results show that: (1) Current ecosystem carbon sink studies are framed within the context of climate change, primarily focusing on the impact of climate change on ecosystem carbon sinks. Key areas of research include carbon sink accounting, improved management, enhancing carbon sink levels, and promoting carbon sink circulation. ( 2) Ecosystem carbon sinks include three components: aboveground vegetation, underground root systems, and soil carbon sinks. Forest carbon sinks are primarily found in the aboveground vegetation, grassland carbon sinks are mainly in the soil and root systems, wetland and desert shrub carbon sinks are mainly in the soil, and soil carbon sinks largely depend on the photosynthesis of crops. (3) The factors influencing ecosystem carbon sinks include natural factors, human factors, and uncontrollable factors. Natural factors include topography, soil, sunlight, temperature, and precipitation; human factors include policies, regulations, decisions, and management practices; uncontrollable factors include natural disasters, pests, and diseases. (4) Ecosystem carbon sink accounting methods can be divided into two categories: direct measurement and model simulation. Direct measurement is more practical and suitable for small-scale carbon sink accounting, but differences in sampling areas, sampling time, sample sizes, and processing methods may result in discrepancies in the accounting results. Model simulation is more convenient and suitable for large-scale carbon sink accounting, but discrepancies in results can occur due to variations in model accuracy. Future study should explore ways to improve the accuracy of carbon sink accounting, establish more widely applicable and convenient accounting systems, and promote carbon sink circulation. Future policies should reasonably strengthen ecological protection, establish a sound reward and punishment system, and enhance ecosystem carbon sink levels.
- Carbon sink /
- Terrestrial ecosystem /
- Composition /
- Influencing factors /
- Accounting method
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